Porcelain Veneers for Gapped, Chipped, Stubbornly Stained, and Otherwise “Imperfect” Teeth.
Teeth Whitening
Consider Professional Teeth Whitening for a Stunning Smile.
Dental Crowns
Quality Porcelain Crowns Preserve and Protect Your Teeth for a Lifetime of a Healthy, Stunning Smile.
Crown Lengthening
Crown Lengthening, Who Needs it? What’s the Procedure like?
Dentures are removable oral appliances that replace missing teeth.
Invisalign clear aligners for hassle-free, discreet teeth straightening.
Dental Implants
As dentists, we listen to all our patient’s concerns. What makes them happy, sad, and everything in between. That’s why we created Clovis Country Dental. This dental office is built around our patients, and for our patients.